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How to Pay for the Climate Transition - Online conference keynote : ‘Decolonising Climate Justice - Towards a Just Transition’

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Environmental justice, economic justice, racial justice and gender justice are indivisible parts of a global struggle to rebalance existing power structures. Civil society movements must ensure that these matters are embedded in the agenda of the transition away from the fossil fuel economy.

Suzanne will open the two-day conference with the keynote speech.

The conference will bring together leading academics, experts and activists to propose tangible policy ideas, specific ones such as carbon taxes, subsidies and citizen dividends, as well as larger macro-economic shifts essential for tacking the climate crisis. This event will address these key questions:

  • How can fiscal, regulatory and monetary policies be used to end the fossil fuel era without laying the burden of the transition on lower and middle-income groups?

  • How do neoliberalism and laissez-faire economics block us from achieving an economically just climate transition?

  • What can be done to make finance the helpful servant of climate policies, rather than their tyrannical master?

  • How can we shift the “Overton Window” and amass the political will to allow the alternative economic approaches that are necessary for financing the climate transition?

7 December

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